
Todd Harris – President and Founder 

I am Todd Harris, the President and Founder of Canadian Educational Documentary Services. I have produced a number of educational documentaries over the past 30 plus years.

I have particular expertise and experience in producing, directing, interviewing, and scriptwriting educational documentaries. 

I am a seasoned professional, working with a group of highly qualified camera and sound persons, picture and sound editors, sound mixers, and special effects designers. I am an active member of the Documentary Organization of Canada.

I have been involved in the university community for a number of years. My credentials include:

  • LL.M in Administrative Law and Energy and Infrastructure from Osgoode Hall Law School
  • Research Coordinator for 10 years at York University
  • Research Assistant in over 40 research projects across Ontario
  • BA in Economics and Philosophy from University of Toronto
  • M.A. in Political Science in Political Theory and Canadian Studies from York University

I am currently working on my own environmental educational documentary, Toronto’s Dirty Little Secret, on the problem of how Toronto deals with its garbage.  See two short development demos I produced for this new educational documentary project.  

Viewed together, they give you a good idea what this new educational documentary is about.